As a professional music therapist, and music instructor, I am a skilled musician, teacher, and clinician. In addition to my music studies, graduate education, professional training, and more than 25 years of experience working with clients, there are specific influences that have contributed to my expertise as a therapist and teacher. These include my completed personal psychoanalysis and my participation- as a client- in music therapy group many years ago. A focus on 25+ years of voice, piano, and guitar lessons have contributed to my knowledge. Knowing myself in these essential and thorough ways are my tools in facilitating others; I am committed to helping people reach their fullest potential and so have worked, and continue to work personally and professionally, to reach mine.
- MA, New York University
- Board Certified, Certification Board for Music Therapists
- NYS Licensed Creative Arts Therapist, NYS Department of Education
- Certificate, Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Advanced Training Program, William Alanson White Institute
- Program Field Director, New York City Music Therapy Relief Project, American Music Therapy Association and The Recording Academy’s 9-11 Response
- Former Director, Music Therapy Institute, Music Conservatory of Westchester
- Music Therapy Consultant: CV Starr Adult Day Services, Murray Hill Senior Center
- Former Music Therapy Supervisor, Child Development Center, Jewish Board of Family & Children’s Services
- Former Music Therapist, Bronx Psychiatric Center
- Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor Music Therapy, New York University
- Former Vice-President, American Association for Music Therapy
- Former Member, Editorial Review Board, Music Therapy Perspectives Journal
- Workshop Presenter and Author
- Presidential Award-Exemplary Service, NYC Music Therapy Relief Project, American Music Therapy Association